Tuesday, December 10, 2013

20% off the entire Warren!

In honor of the approach of Christmas (one of my tippy-top favorite times of the year!) everything in The Warren is 20% off! Yes, that is correct! 20% off any of the lovely rings, necklaces, and bracelets as well as the other paraphernalia like those lovely Shakespearean Insult bookmarks which would make lovely stocking-stuffers for your friends who like snark and sarcasm! If you see something you like, instructions for Ordering From The Warren can be found here.

Merry Christmas, darlings. Let's not forget why we're celebrating this holiday. The birth of Jesus Christ is the main thing that rejoices my heart and this precious season of Advent is my favorite of all. May His peace and joy fill your hearts with quiet wonder throughout this month as well as the other eleven of every year.

Poetry Bar Ring

"Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all."
-Henry David Thoreau


This ring is sister to the Nest of Poetry Ring featured below. The Poetry Bar features a metal accent made from a re-fashioned bracelet as well as two hand-rolled poetry beads and brass-colored wire to form an intriguing, one-of-a-kind ring that will mark you at once for a fashionable authoress. Perfect gift for a friend or yourself, the Poetry Bar Ring is a lovely weight and just the right dose of rustic elegance to complete a cozy winter outfit. Reminds of something Thoreau would have chosen for a sister or sweetheart. This ring is a size 8-9, so perfect for wearing on a thumb or middle finger! If you think this would be too big for your fingers, email me and I can make this ring in a smaller size just for you at no extra cost.

Poetry Bar Ring:
Price: $12.00
Number in Stock: unlimited

Nest of Poetry Ring

"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

-Franz Kafka

This beauty is made from brass-colored wire wrapped in a whimsical manner around three hand-rolled paper poetry-beads. Handmade in The Warren by me as usual, this ring is a cool statement piece for any writer/reader/word-enthusiast! Perfect for a friend's Christmas gift or as a treat for yourself after winning NaNoWriMo last month! I make these as the orders come in so the quantity is unlimited. Approximately a size 8, but I can work with you in whichever size you require!

Nest of Poetry Ring:
Price: $12.00
Number in Stock: unlimited